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Declining Consumption & Conversion: Overcoming with AI Search and Personalized Journeys

As a business owner, you've probably noticed the shifting behavior of users on your websites. Information on the web has exploded, and with ease of content creation with AI, this trend will only amplify. On the other hand, users' preferences and demands are becoming increasingly specific. With reduced attention spans, your audience will only give you a few seconds to decide if your content is relevant. Lower consumption is leading to lower conversions across industries.

The Dwindling Attention

  • Quick Impressions: Users form impressions within 2.6 seconds and spend about 5.59 seconds reading content. The average time spent on a webpage has gradually decreased to under 50 seconds.

  • Falling Conversions: Conversion rates across industries have fallen over the last 2 years by -3% to -5.5% respectively. Certain web surfaces (e.g., search) garner higher activity leading to higher conversion compared to those with lower activity.

Distribution of activities across web pages - search on any webpage accounting for 30%. Over 60% of traffic still comes through web search.

Each Visit is More Valuable Than Ever Before

  • Rising Costs: It costs more to attract fewer visitors, with about a 9.4% increase in cost per visit.

  • Poor discovery: Web Search (paid or organic) remains a primary source to bring visitors. However, once they land, content discovery remains poor.

  • Lost Opportunities: 69% of the time, when users are not able to find what they need, the business is lost to competition. Remember, you have about 50 seconds.

How Businesses Are Dealing with It Today:

Businesses have taken various approaches to capture audience interest and drive user journeys, with mixed results.

Examples of how businesses guide user journeys

  • Static Menus and Flows: Dumped content under menus and pages appealing to a wide audience, hoping users will find it. Often leads to high bounce rates.

  • Guided Journeys: Companies with significant resources have curated guided journeys after analyzing extensive user data. Examples include step-by-step guides for building travel packages or finding the right bicycle.

  • Chatbots: Some businesses have adopted chatbots to answer user questions. While incorporating AI has improved their functionality, many still operate as basic Q&A tools rather than driving users towards business outcomes.

  • Quick Search: Especially in e-commerce, businesses have implemented powerful search functions to help users find products quickly. However, these solutions often fall short by not providing 360 degree results for further inquiries, such as reviews, guides, and comparisons - and also do not drive towards outcome.

Barriers to Hyper-Personalization and Dynamic Content

Traditionally, there have been several factors that limited businesses in delivering hyper-personalized content.

  • Technical Limitations: Many businesses still operate on legacy systems not designed for dynamic content delivery. Creating dynamic content itself requires advanced technical skills and resources.

  • Data and Expertise Gaps: Many businesses lack the data or expertise to personalize their content. Even with data, analyzing, designing, and executing a dynamic content strategy is complex.

  • Investment Challenges: Implementing and maintaining dynamic content strategies is costly and time-consuming, often requiring iterative testing and adjustments.

Opportunity for AI

With AI and LLMs reaching a mature stage and wide-scale adoption, there’s an opportunity to unlock relevance with more personalized, curated journeys that expose visitors to the right content within their ever-condensing visits. - AI Search and Personalized Journeys

At, we implement your custom trained AI Search & Personalized Journeys to boost conversion.

our AI-driven generative search and user journeys help users find what the need quickly, and takes them through a goal-driven guided journey towards conversion. Providing personalized and dynamic content, along with predicting most likely next action, we help businesses connect with their audience in meaningful ways to drive business outcome, without having to invest time and effort in custom solutions. 


Imagine a flow like the one below, without having to change your website content:

A simplified example of AI curated dynamic user journey

Key Benefits:

  • Generative Search: Seamlessly integrates into your website and quickly connects users with the information they need.

  • Personalized Journeys: Detects user intent and predicts the most likely actions to guide user journeys. Custom trained on your content.

  • Real-Time Interaction: Dynamically adjusts content to keep users engaged and drive them towards your stated business outcomes.

Ready to enhance your website's engagement and conversion rates? Add the Search and Engagement Bar to your website and experience the difference.

Displaying how search & journeys integrate with your website

Let’s explore how we can leverage these insights to drive better engagement and conversions for your business. We’d love to hear your thoughts and discuss how can support your goals.


Digital Ads Benchmark Report 2023, Tinuiti

Digital experience benchmark, 2023. Contentsquare.

Hubspot Website engagement statistics.

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