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sphAIre Search

Every 3 out of 4 times when consumers don't find what they are looking for, the sale is lost.

AI-powered Products & Content Search, with natural language queries & result refinement. 

Say Goodbye to "No results found". Search in natural language and follow-up conversations to drive conversion.


We complement your store's keyword based search with powerful semantic & natural language based search, so your customers can find what they need. 

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Natural Language Search

Speak to sphAIre Search in your own words ad not Keywords. Our advanced natural language processing understands your queries, delivering results that are relevant and easy to interpret.

Snapshot Overview

Get more than just a list of links. sphAIre Search provides a snapshot overview of your search, giving you a clear, concise summary of the most important information upfront.

Refine and Narrow Down

Easily refine your search with follow-ups . sphAIre Search anticipates your next steps, guiding you to the information you need with precision. It provides you with filters and suggestions to narrow down results.

Graph-based Search to Give Relevant Results

Go beyond traditional search methods. sphAIre Search leverages graph-based technology to understand relationships between data points, offering deeper insights and more accurate results.

Comparison Capabilities

Need to compare options? sphAIre Search can handle complex comparisons, providing side-by-side analysis to help you make informed decisions.

Recommendations and Similar Results

Discover more with sphAIre Search's intelligent recommendations. See similar results and related content that might interest you, enhancing your search journey.

How it works

sphAIre Search uses natural language processing and a graph-based structure to deliver precise results, refine queries, and guide users toward conversion.


Natural Language Queries

Our search engine interprets the nuances of natural language, understanding context, intent, and subtleties to deliver results that truly match your query.


Graph-Based Search

sphAIre Search utilizes a graph-based data model, which maps the connections between various data points, ensuring that search results are not only relevant but also interconnected in meaningful ways.


AI-Driven Refinement

Using cutting-edge AI, sphAIre Search suggests follow-up queries that help you refine your search, narrowing down results to exactly what you need.

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